编辑:[db:作者] 时间:2024-08-25 01:36:59
With the rise of the sharing economy, the rental and sale of personal items has become a new consumption model. WeChat applet provides technical support for the implementation of this model with its convenience and ease of use. Through WeChat mini programs, users can easily publish, browse, and trade various personal items, achieving effective utilization and sharing of resources. At the same time, the platform also helps promote green consumption and sustainable development, reduce unnecessary waste, and lower environmental burdens. Therefore, the personal item rental and sales platform based on WeChat mini programs has important practical significance and broad development prospects.
The paper first introduces the issue of personal item rental and sales platforms, as well as the significance of platform development. Subsequently, an in-depth analysis was conducted on the problems existing in traditional methods of goods trading, such as poor information transmission and difficulty in ensuring security. The construction of a personal item rental and sales platform based on WeChat mini programs is aimed at solving these problems and improving the utilization rate of personal items. Secondly, this article explores in detail the construction and design of a personal item rental and sales platform based on WeChat mini programs. The functions of the platform should include modules such as user registration, selling products, renting products, coupons, browsing and searching, and transaction evaluation to ensure the safety and transparency of the entire transaction process. Finally, this article validated the effectiveness of the personal item rental and sale platform based on WeChat mini program through Java technology, WeChat mini program framework, and MySQL database implementation.
Keywords: personal items, e-commerce, rental and sales platforms, WeChat mini programs, Java.
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容 3
1.4 本章小结 4
2 干系技能 5
2.SpringBoot框架 5
2.2Java编程技能 5
2.3数据库技能 6
2.4微信小程序技能 7
2.5 本章小结 8
3 系统剖析 9
3.1可行性剖析 9
3.1.1 经济可行性 9
3.1.2 技能可行性 9
3.1.3 法律可行性 9
3.1.4 社会可行性 9
3.2需求剖析 10
3.2.1 系统功能需求剖析 10
3.2.2 系统非功能需求剖析 13
3.3 本章小结 15
4 系统设计 16
4.1功能设计 16
4.2 数据库设计 18
4.2.1 数据库ER图设计 18
4.2.2 数据库观点构造设计 19
4.4 本章小结 42
5 系统实现 43
5.1 微信小程序真个实现 43
5.1.1 首页实现 43
5.1.2 用户注书页面 43
5.1.3 用户上岸界面 44
5.1.4 售卖商品展示界面 46
5.1.5 售卖商品购买界面 47
5.1.6 商品租赁实现 48
5.1.7 个人中央界面 48
5.2 管理员和卖家后台 49
5.2.1 后台首页 49
5.2.2 注册用户管理界面 51
5.2.3 个人物品种别管理界面 52
5.2.4 个人物品管理界面 52
5.2.5 售卖订单管理界面 53
5.2.6 租赁订单管理界面 54
5.2.7 优惠券管理界面 55
5.3 本章小结 56
6 系统测试 57
6.1 测试解释 57
6.2 功能测试 58
6.3 测试小结 59
6.5 本章小结 60
总结与展望 61
参考文献 62
致谢 64
用户注册与登录: 供应学生用户注册账户的功能,确保用户信息的准确性。登录功能应安全可靠,采取加密技能保护用户隐私。
个人物品(售卖商品、租赁商品)发布与搜索: 用户能够发布自己的个人物品,包括详细描述、照片和价格等信息。搜索功能应支持关键字、种别和位置等多维度的查询。
个人信息管理: 用户可以编辑和管理个人信息,包括头像、联系办法等。供应修正密码和找回密码的功能,确保账户安全。
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